
The left GIF and the animation here above are made for Medicinal Media and are about seeing more women fighting on screen. In these series and movies not only show women in fysical fights, they also highlight that women have and had a lot to fight against like: sexism, beautystandard, abuse, gender pay-gap and a lot more. Women also had a lot to fight for, think about: contraception, women(voting) rights and more.

Even though I rather not look at his face at all, I felt like I had to speak up and make this animation about Trump who is letting the world melt away. Just after his inaugeration he signed several decretes and he declared a “national energy emergency” so he can reverse US climate regulations. The cherry on top of this melting ice-cream is that he is withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement.

The GIF above I have made as a free work to show and support queer love.

I had the great honor to create a series of animations for the Boijmans van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam as explainers for their ”Change the system” exhibition. These are just little clips of the whole animation movies

Alongside my illustration work for clients I think it is really important to make work for myself and with an activist point off view. My pencil is my voice and I want to let it be heard! 

I really love surfing and especially longboarding. On of my dreams is what I have animated here: doing an endless hang-ten on an never ending wave. 

These series of animations I have made during my internship in Berlin with Jakob Hinrichs about Anna Constantia and August the Strong. It was exhibited as an explainer about their story in Burg Stolpen, Germany.
